All-Island Social Security Network

The All-Island Social Security Network (AISSN) is:

A network bringing together researchers to imagine a new future for social security on the island of Ireland.

We bring together researchers from academia and civil society to examine, understand, map-out, explore, disseminate, consider, share and promote knowledge and understanding about the social security system in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

The network will not adopt a particular political position on Ireland’s constitutional future, but rather, it will seek to create a safe space for discussion, debate and exploration of a social security system that can meet the challenges of the future, while ensuring every individual can live a life centered on dignity and respect. 

It was officially formed in May 2023 at a meeting in Trinity College, Dublin. We are aiming to have at least two events each year – one event on each side of the border. 

The network has also set up a JISC List to allow members to share information about events, research and publications.

You can join here <>